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KBeauty Story
  1. 5


    has a light scent to it but is very pleasant. doesn't dry out the skin after use. leave my skin feeling clean and soft
    tra...  2022-07-01
  2. 5

    Love this mask!

    I did a lot of research before buying my first kbeauty products and Isntree was one of the most recommended brands I saw. They are still one of my favorites and I love this mask!
    mem...  2022-06-27
  3. 5

    doing the job

    feel my skin clean and less heavy after every use. blackhead effect is not too prominent but will see gradual result after constant use. work better as forehead unclog than for nose.
    vir...  2022-06-26
  4. 5

    I love all the product from Stylekorean. They provide only the authentic products to customers. I can say Stylekorean is the most trustful website for everyone who is interested in Korean cosmetics. ve all the product from Stylekorean. They provide only

    I love all the product from Stylekorean. They provide only the authentic products to customers. I can say Stylekorean is the most trustful website for everyone who is interested in Korean cosmetics. ve all the product from Stylekorean. They provide only the authentic products to customers. I can say Stylekorean is the most trustful website for everyone who is interested in Korean cosmetics. love all the product from Stylekorean. They provide only the authentic products to customers. I can say Stylekorean is the most trustful website for everyone who is interested in Korean cosmetics.
    Nar...  2022-06-21
  5. 4

    Feels amazing

    It’s a great mask! Not drying and really good exfoliate for sensitive skin. It’s not harsh and feels amazing after washing it off. Would recommend for people with sensitive skin that can’t exfoliate often but still want that clean refreshing mask.
    mei...  2022-06-21
  6. 5

    good product not regret purchasing at all. love it good product not regret purchasing at all. love it

    good product not regret purchasing at all. love it good product not regret purchasing at all. love it
    you...  2022-06-20
  7. 5


    It’s a good product to add to my skincare routine.
    nok...  2022-06-17
  8. 5

    The goat

    A clay mask that doesn't feel too harsh afterward.
    ale...  2022-06-14
  9. 5

    So Nice!

    I usually don't have the best of luck with mugwort products but this mask does so well on my skin. The serum from this brand didn't do anything to my skin, was like literally just dropping water onto my skin for 2 months. This mask does soothe my skin and oiliness. I recommend when you go to wash this off after waiting the recommended amount of time to hydrate the mask slowly with splashes of water and rubbing in circular motions to let the physical exfoliant in this mask to exfoliate the skin and let the product do it's magic.
    ken...  2022-06-11
  10. 5


    Great product with nice ingredients
    pri...  2022-06-11
  11. 5

    Fav mask

    I tried mugwort masks from dif brands, this one is the best. This is a repurchase. The skin feels clean and fresh yet soft.
    phu...  2022-06-09
  12. 5

    Mugwort is good for your skin

    Used this once. I liked it. I will use it to calm my skin once a while.
    Ver...  2022-06-06
  13. 5

    Oily skin type

    This is for you soothing brighting hydrating exfoliating all the way
    sum...  2022-06-06
  14. 5

    Oily skin type

    This is for you soothing brighting hydrating exfoliating all the way
    sum...  2022-06-06
  15. 4

    Loves it

    4/5 really good it clear out my pores really well
    nai...  2022-06-04
  16. 5

    I love love loveeeeee.

    I love love loveeeeee.
    ing...  2022-06-03
  17. 5

    No comment yet

    Only write a review for a point. Will update later after I use the products
    los...  2022-06-01
  18. 5


    Good good good good good good good
    liz...  2022-06-01
  19. 4


    The best of the best! I really like it and will recommend to my friend ♥️
    You...  2022-05-31
  20. 5


    Perfect if your skin is oily, dehydrated and very sensitive.
    Ahm...  2022-05-09
  21. 5


    Mascarilla de arcilla ideal para aplicarla una vez a la semana
    nat...  2022-05-08
  22. 4

    Gentle Mask

    I didn't notice anything outstanding when using the mask, but it is very gentle and if you are looking for gentle exfoliation, this is perfect. The mugwort is good to use if your skin is irritated or sensitive.
    tmp...  2022-05-08
  23. 5

    Love it

    Best facial mask for pore care. Doesnt dry out the skin after the application. Decreases size of pores and makes the skin feel less oily.
    zav...  2022-05-07
  24. 5

    Bought it as a gift!

    Heard a lot of good things about this. Hope my sister like them. Happy birthday sis
    los...  2022-04-30
  25. 5

    Best clay mask

    It's really good and worth the price, love it!
    lee...  2022-04-29
  26. 5

    Best soothing clay mask

    Clay masks usually make my combination skin dry but you can use this in any weather. My skin feels soft and clean after use. No hassle cos it comes in a tube so no tension of it drying in a pot or tension of it being unhygienic. My husband also loves it. I have brown skin and my skin is combination or oily depending on the weather.
    Sha...  2022-04-27
  27. 4

    Its ok. Will see what happens. Hope it will help

    Its ok. Will see what happens. Hope it will help
    hen...  2022-04-15
  28. 4


    Like it so much! smell so good and soft
    ou....  2022-04-15
  29. 4


    Like it so much! smell so good and soft
    ou....  2022-04-12
  30. 5

    مرة حلو لتنظيف المسام

    Good for cleaning the pores without irritating my skin it is also soothing One of the best clay mask I have so far مرة كويس لتنظيف المسام من غير مايحسس البشرة سيبو فقط لمدة ١٠ دقايق وغسلو وجهكم بالمويا بشويش من غير ماتدعكوا بقوة فيلو مكونات مكان تهدي البشرة مرة عجبني واخدتو وقت التخفيض كان مرة رخيص
    ihs...  2022-04-11