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KBeauty Story
  1. 5

    Worth the hype

    Smells good, great coverage and looks nice on skin , chose the wrong shade tho ;)
    Mlz...  2024-08-23
  2. 5


    I really really really love these product so so much!!! Absolutely amazing! Obsessed!
    tan...  2024-08-23
  3. 5


    بننات هذا ضالتي يجنن يجنن مايقشر وتتحكمي بدرجه الكفرج اذا خفيف او ثقيل يعطي قلو ولونه يجنن انا فاتحه البشره وناسبني
    van...  2024-08-20
  4. 4

    not bad

    love it love it love it love it love it love it
    sso...  2024-08-20
  5. 4

    Too yellow for me but amazing formula

    This formula is like glue. It won’t budge. Once you put it on, don’t touch it or it will separate. I got 23N and it was too yellow for me but i have olive light skin tone so I should have gotten the cool tone. Left side is nothing and right side is the foundation.
    Eri...  2024-08-20
  6. 5


    Very good item.I like it
    wa_...  2024-08-18
  7. 5

    Love it

    Wow just wow! 21N is the perfect match for me. It goes on nicely and stay on all day. At the end of the day it looks like I just applied it. It helps control oil in areas that I applied it in. Definitely recommend!
    yen...  2024-08-15
  8. 3

    Idk why

    The mini version doesn’t apply as well as the full sized of this, maybe it’s just mine that is faulty but idk
    zai...  2024-08-11
  9. 4


    Nice coverage but not my shade but i will most likely inshallah buy again to find my shade
    Ola...  2024-08-10
  10. 3

    Not the right shade

    The shade 43 was to light on me, so I got 51 and that was to dark.Its great that tir tir has added more shades! I wish tir tir had a better way to shade match or even more dark shades for people of color. It also doesn’t really cover up pimples. That’s ok though because the formula is nice and light weight.
    tiz...  2024-08-09
  11. 1

    Base tirtir

    El empaque de la base venía dañada, es de cobertura súper alta, en lo personal se me craquelo no se si aún no eh encontrado la técnica pero eh probado y siempre se me craquela y no me gusta el efecto que me da en la piel, me genera mucha textura en la piel
    vai...  2024-08-13
  12. 5


    Se siente la diferencia desde las primeras aplicaciones, es una innovación que cambia radical mi piel
    Mil...  2024-08-03
  13. 5


    This is one of the best foundations I ever used, when I tried this product, I discovered that all my foundation aren’t my shade, this foundation matches me so well you can’t even tell I’m wearing it
    tat...  2024-08-03
  14. 2

    ما ناسبني

    شكله النهائي مو حلو ع البشرة الدرجة اللي بعطيها الفلتر افتح من البشرة العادية
    kho...  2024-07-21
  15. 5

    Mini Red cushuon Tir Tir

    Este cushuon es fantástico cubre imperfecciones, elimina el brillo pero la piel queda glow, dura todo el dia
    far...  2024-07-20
  16. 5

    Perfect travel size

    Amazing coverage and it doesn't flake. Lasted all day
    zye...  2024-07-17
  17. 5

    Super Pigmented

    This is a full-coverage like it's no one's business. If I'm wearing this during the day, I do blend and thin it out with a make up brush. I like the full coverage for any discoloration on my face. It covers it well and I can actually forego a concealer if I'm in a rush. The longevity of this isn't bad at all. But I do set it with a light powder and a setting spray for maximum wear.
    che...  2024-07-16
  18. 5


    A causa de este producto tuve que comprarme otro porque simplemente me encanto!! Llevaba tiempo buscando algo de buena cobertura y ligera y finalmente lo encontré, 10/10!!
    ann...  2024-07-11
  19. 2

    you really don’t need it

    its all hyped cuz of its shade range but if u already own other cushion foundations, in ur shade u don't need this...
    erd...  2024-07-10
  20. 5

    Good product

    Im sad the shade match was waayyyyyy of but i love the coverage:(((((
    abe...  2024-07-07
  21. 5

    I like the product

    I like this product so much and I will buy it again , I recommend it
    Mar...  2024-07-07
  22. 3

    Like the coverage

    I liked the coverage, but the color did not suit my skin, and it was light on the skin
    M.h...  2024-07-07
  23. 3

    I like the coverage

    I liked the coverage, but the color did not suit my skin, and it was light on the skin
    M.h...  2024-07-07
  24. 5

    Very Good

    I love it! I am a fair skin asian and I took the lightest shade. It goes very well with my skin tone and it covers up my blemishes. It does not appear to be cakey and it doesnt oxidize on my face too. It was long lasting as well. Highly recommdnded
    cha...  2024-06-30
  25. 5


    There is no word can describe this masterpiece I'm very surprised. with the outcome I really loved. It is very very full coverage one dip, and all gone. even though it's the mini size, but I think it will last to me for like four months.
    hin...  2024-06-29
  26. 5


    I mean the title says everything I WISH I CAN BUY LIKE 20 more Cuz it’s AMAZING!!!!
    fat...  2024-06-29
  27. 5

    Skin fit cushion

    Worth to try. I love it how it adhere to the skin. Not oily but seems shiny on the face. Will definitely purchased the bigger version
    Abb...  2024-06-20
  28. 5

    Make up

    Excited to try it I really happy to buy it
    sum...  2024-06-18
  29. 5

    Make up

    Fingered crossed excited to try it
    sum...  2024-06-18
  30. 4

    كوشن الطفة

    على كلامهم مره يجنن ولكن لازم تلقين لون بشرتك ولا لا تضيعين قروشك
    hay...  2024-06-14
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