i have been using this product for a long time now and i am proud to say that this is one of the best serums i’ve ever used!!! it helps with your breakouts and really really hydrating!! i love use this product before my makeup as it makes the skin so glowy!! RECOMMEND
He tenido el problema de que muchos productos despigmentantes dejan la piel oleosa. No me pasa con este, es perfecto para pieles grasas, también es seborregulador
I really loved it, it is surprisly very moist and not very thick it didn't irritated my skin i will use for two weeks and see the result I'm hoping it will help me out
This lightens my sun spot but just a little bit. So to get the pigmented sunspots to lighten just a bit, this is great. But for more bigger and drastic change, this isn't it. Considering the price and at least some result, I'll take it!