The cleanser does it job really well. I can feel my skin getting soft and breathable after using it once. Combine with the serum, the redness and tiny bumps greatly reduce with a week
When I'm too lazy to exfoliate but the tiny bumps has emerged, I just use this once every two days and those tiny reduce alott. My skin feels deeply cleansed with this cleanser
My favorite Vitamin C. The others are high maintenance with quick oxidation and sticky. This is also perfect for carry on. No essential oils, alcohol, or fragrances
المادة اللي على الماسكات مو سائلة نفس باقي المسكات، لا هذي جل كأنه جل صبار فعلاً، والماسك أقرب لـ البلاستيك من إنه ورقي ماعجبني مرة بس أعتقد إنه مفيد بطريقة ما وممكن اتغاضى يعني عادي أرجع اشتريه
My favorite Vitamin C. The others are high maintenance with quick oxidation and sticky. This is also perfect for carry on. No essential oils, alcohol, or fragrances
My favorite Vitamin C. The others are high maintenance with quick oxidation and sticky. This is also perfect for carry on. No essential oils, alcohol, or fragrances