I've gone through so many and repurchase it all the time. No other brands work as well as these patches. Most effective when your pimple has come to a head
Repurchased many, many times. I've gone through so many. No other brands work as well as this. Best to put it on when your pimple already has come to a head.
Really do reduce or bring spots up and out. Everyone needs these. The large are usually too big for me so I cut them in half! Even better value! Get them...
These are a life saver!! So glad I found this product. Anytime I get a blemish I put on one over night and by morning the pimple is either gone or has shrunk tremendously.
I get pimples every now and then but when I use this, it heals really fast and sucks all the nastiness out. It also covers the troubles spot without looking too noticeable (not that I would wear this outside).
I've been using these pimple patches for a while now, mostly for cystic pimples or pimples that you cannot pop. These patches work, but you have to catch the pimples early for them to go away. If it's already too late, I use it as a pimple bandaid of sorts, and I think it helps with the recovery time.