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Stylekorean Box
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KBeauty Story
  1. 5

    Axis-Y - Dark Spot Correcting Glow Serum 50 ml

    Love this product. I saw the result in a 2 week period. This is my 3rd time ordering it. Will be ordering again.
    viv...  2023-08-24
  2. 4

    Enjoyable product

    I used this and did not see results right away. It is effective and takes time so be patient! It's also a lightweight texture and very soothing.
    toc...  2024-01-20
  3. 5

    The best serum of acne prone skin

    I deal with hormonal acne, and this serum saves my skin. It helps to calm as well as heals the scars left behind by acne. This is my 5th purchase. It works the best with the blemish treatment from the same line.
    Mei...  2023-04-26
  4. 5

    Dark spot correction

    I use it at night for dark spot
    voe...  2023-12-16
  5. 5

    Axis-Y Spot Correcting Glow Serum

    Just started using it, this serum helps to lighten my old acne scar. Recommend for using it. I will continue buying it.
    mar...  2023-11-07
  6. 4

    Great serum

    Excellent product would buy again repeatlh
    lau...  2023-08-29
  7. 3

    It's ok

    I have combo skin with acne prone, I really wanna love this serum, however it broke me out if I use it everyday and use it alone as a serum. So now I only use it maybe once or twice a week. Recently I found out that you can combine this serum with AHA or BHA and without a moisturizer (my T zone are the oiliest part) since I live in a hot and humid, tropical climate, country. I guess it kinda controlled a little bit with the "possible coming out new acne". It does leave a glowy finish. Overall this product is ok for my skin.
    say...  2023-08-25
  8. 5


    It’s a good product, love it, bought multiple times.
    mne...  2023-04-14
  9. 4


    Make my skin more even and has a thick texture which moisture the skin
    wed...  2023-11-26
  10. 4


    Good product and nice packaging. Might order again.
    fat...  2023-04-21
  11. 5

    Best thing ever

    Best thing ever
    asm...  2024-08-24
  12. 4

    Nice glow serum

    It’s giving a nice glow after using a few times Would recommend and repurchase in the future
    bon...  2023-04-18
  13. 5

    Highly Recommend

    i keep using this for many bottles i really love this so much.
    sre...  2023-07-23
  14. 5

    Love it

    This serum has been great so far! It hydrates my skin. It also makes my skin glowy.
    ber...  2023-05-24
  15. 5

    Best of the best

    I love love love love love love
    che...  2023-04-21
  16. 5


    Hydrating and absorb very well
    tha...  2024-01-21
  17. 4

    Love it

    Use for a long time, help on scar
    Lao...  2023-05-11
  18. 5

    Serum quita mancha

    Cada dia me sorprendo mas de los productos coreanos. Son lo maximo, lo volveria a comprar mil veces mas. 10000% recomendados.
    kbe...  2023-07-30
  19. 5

    I love all the product from Stylekorean. They provide only the authentic products to customers. I can say Stylekorean is the most trustful website for everyone who is interested in Korean cosmetics. e all the product from Stylekorean. They provide only t

    I love all the product from Stylekorean. They provide only the authentic products to customers. I can say Stylekorean is the most trustful website for everyone who is interested in Korean cosmetics. e all the product from Stylekorean. They provide only the authentic products to customers. I can say Stylekorean is the most trustful website for everyone who is interested in Korean cosmetics. I love all the product from Stylekorean. They provide only the authentic products to customers. I can say Stylekorean is the most trustful website for everyone who is interested in Korean cosmetics.
    Nar...  2023-04-21
  20. 5


    It’s very good, I like it
    wa_...  2024-08-18
  21. 5


    Got it at the best deal. Worth to try
    Lyn...  2023-05-27
  22. 4

    Really good

    I used it for a half year now it help me so much my darkspot fait really quick
    che...  2023-08-08
  23. 4

    Skin care

    Finish 3 bottles but don’t see any changes… i wanna ride of my pigmentation and try many k products….
    Mes...  2023-11-17
  24. 5

    Light Niacinamide

    Great niacinamide product. Brightens my dark spots after few weeks. Light way product. Easy to apply
    ion...  2023-05-16
  25. 4


    I have no idea how it's work. I got order from customer.
    kun...  2023-04-19
  26. 5

    Has a weird smell

    I forgot what it’s call but it has a minty herbal scent
    oha...  2023-04-30
  27. 5

    Great for pigmentation

    Slowly reduces pigmentation. Very light texture
    a.s...  2023-05-23
  28. 5


    عجبني مررة وهي ثالث مرة اشتريه يرطب البشرة بشكل حلو ومناسب للبشرة المعرضة للحبوب يهديها ويمنع ظهور الحبوب
    fmf...  2024-10-25
  29. 5


    شريته تقريبا ٣ مرات ... مبهر كيف يهدي البشرة ويرطبها ويقلل من ظهور الحبوب وايضا اثارها انصح تجربونه
    fmf...  2024-10-25
  30. 5

    works just as advertised

    helped me get rid of hyperpigmentation spots in just couple months after using
    kee...  2023-06-08
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