Осветляющая сыворотка от пигментации. Она отлично осветляет кожу, оказывает антиоксидантное действие и глубоко увлажняет кожу. В составе 5% ниацинамида, глутатион, гиалуроновая кислота и сквалан. Подходит даже для чувствительной кожи.
This serum stands out as my top pick from Axis-y. Its lightweight formula allows for effortless layering, providing instant radiance and brightness to the skin. It effectively diminishes acne scars and leaves a remarkable soothing sensation.
I bought this 2 times. The first time I did, it worked pretty well, results starts to show after 2 and half week of use. My skin texture improved a bit day by day. After a month, I bought another one but the effects stopped there. The previous one worked a bit but didn’t completely solve my skin issue so I bought another one to continue the process but it stopped there. Overall, it did something but not enough for me.
السيروم مره يجنن يخفف من التصبغات و البقع و العلامات الي بالوجه مره رهيب.
The serum is very nice, effective in reducing facial pigmentation, stains, and signs, it's perfect.
This is my second time purchase this serum it’s so good it’s like a booster to my skin and it’s suitable for all for skin types, and it comes with a mini that you can take it anywhere
Honestly, I bought this serum because of its popularity on social media. I'm glad I tried it. The texture is like a watery gel, but it's quite hydrating. Since I use multiple brightening products in my routine, it's kind of difficult to assess this serum alone. I think it helps fade my acne marks faster though.
I think it's a good niacinamide serum and after a few uses, I noticed my dark spots got a bit lighter but still waiting for the results. I added this serum to my P.M. routine.
Some dark spot ampoules are quite dry or leaves tacky finish. But this one is very watery like hydrating ampoule. The texture is really good for both AM/PM routine. I haven't seen noticeable change on my hyperpigmentation, but I wish it makes improvement soon.