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Stylekorean Box
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KBeauty Story
  1. 2

    اقل من عادي

    بطيء جداً بالنتايج واصلاً ما شفت نتايجه مررره واضحه فيه افضل منه واحسن
    nuh...  2024-11-26
  2. 5


    Helped on the pigmentation really well leaving my skin moisturized.
    eli...  2024-02-09
  3. 4

    W Serum

    This ism y third purchase of this product andd girl it’s so good for my acne scars that take a long timee to heal and this serum speeds the process up a lil more and makes my skin feel amazing
    pay...  2024-04-13
  4. 5

    It is the best option to unify skin tone

    I liked this serum very much. It works to unify skin tone, remove pigmentation in the face, and remove acne. Its packaging is also excellent for use without contaminating the product.
    pen...  2024-02-07
  5. 5

    Me encanta

    Me gusta mucho este te aparece en semanas algunas manchas que tengo en mi cara
    kar...  2024-03-27
  6. 5

    Good product it's benefits me.

    Good product it's benefits me.
    Ibt...  2024-12-02
  7. 3


    يعني تص ونص يبي له استمرار عشان تشوف نتيجه بس جميل صراحه مااعطاني نتيجه عكسيه بعني ممتتتاز لو باستخدونه ثلاث شهور واكثر انصحكم
    uin...  2024-04-02
  8. 4


    Heard a lot of good things about this, cant wait to try
    X__...  2024-05-17
  9. 5


    222...  2024-08-06
  10. 4


    حلو المنتج بس نتيجة بطيئة بس مب وايد بطيئة عجبني ارجع اشتريه مره ثانيه الاثار اليديده بتروح بس القديمه تحتاج شي اقوى بس الحلو فيه ما يهيج البشرة او له تاثير سلبي مثل المقشرات الباقي
    man...  2024-09-10
  11. 5


    I like it very much very hydrating and see difference , follow me on instagram: @asily.canvas for more reviews #Stylekorean_Arabia #RamadanKareem_SKA
    Ase...  2024-03-14
  12. 4

    i will try it soon

    i didn't use it yet , follow me on inst: @asily.canvas for more reviews
    Ase...  2024-03-14
  13. 5

    i will try it

    i didn't use it yet , follow me on inst: @asily.canvas for more reviews
    Ase...  2024-03-14
  14. 4

    مصل التصحيح

    انه جيدا جدا لاكن بشرتي لم تحبه لانه يحتوي على مستخلص الارز وانا لم اعلم ان بشرتي تعاني من حساسيه تجاه الارز
    dhk...  2024-10-18
  15. 3

    I like it

    Thr result is slow but is good you can put it under your eyes
    Jan...  2024-04-05
  16. 5

    سيروم نايسينامايد

    الوحيد اللون وازالة الآثار والبقع الداكنة جميل لا يسبب حساسية ويحسن مظهرالمسام
    jum...  2024-03-28
  17. 5


    صراحه صراحه ما شفت فيه فرق بس مااعرف اذا بخفف الجبوب فعلًا او لا لاني استخدم معه منتجات ثانيه بس في الاثار مافيه فرق
    pij...  2024-03-04
  18. 5


    Yyihgujjhghjjhyujk Hoboken hgkjbk hilnjojhihkb Khoikhoi jh
    lat...  2024-03-16
  19. 5

    I don't know

    I don't know how to use it yet, but I will use it well and see
    Bay...  2024-04-15
  20. 5

    I have combo skin and this serum are mu favorite now for my post acne treatment

    Loveee it super excited to get off of my spots , till now it's perfect for mu skin  

    all...  2024-02-21
  21. 3


    جيد ويخفف من اثار حب الشباب لكن يطول على مايعطي نتيجه
    lmo...  2024-09-05
  22. 5

    Under trial

    Still under trial having high hopes I hope it works for my pores feels good on the skin non sticky non clogging
    Lam...  2024-03-14
  23. 5

    thumps up

    I like it, even though I have been using it for 2 weeks
    s.e...  2024-03-03
  24. 5


    I’m so excited to start using this serum
    sev...  2024-02-17
  25. 5


    I swear this serum is working like a magic .. i bought it 4 times and i will keep buy it
    mhd...  2024-04-17
  26. 5


    Omg this serum is working like a magic i swear … i bought it 4 times …
    mhd...  2024-04-17
  27. 5

    Good spot corrector

    I have a lot of freckles on my face, some more notice than others. I did used it for a little bit for that and notice that it does tent to leave my skin a little more brighter but I actually do like my freckles. I only use it if I am going out.
    esm...  2024-05-15
  28. 5


    يجنن يابنات لاحظت لما استخدمت معه تونر cosrx البنفسجي ظهرت نتائجه اسرع شال التصبغات والبقع الداكنة والسواد حول الفم ممتاز .
    lia...  2024-03-21
  29. 5

    I like the product very much. I ordered for my fam. I like the product very much. I ordered for my family and they liked it too! I like the product very much. I ordered for my family and they liked it too! I like the product very much. I ordered for my fa

    I like the product very much. I ordered for my fam. I like the product very much. I ordered for my family and they liked it too! I like the product very much. I ordered for my family and they liked it too! I like the product very much. I ordered for my family and they liked it too! I like the product very much. I ordered for my family and they liked it too!
    say...  2024-03-10
  30. 5

    I like the product very much. I ordered for my fam. I like the product very much. I ordered for my family and they liked it too! I like the product very much. I ordered for my family and they liked it too! I like the product very much. I ordered for my fa

    I like the product very much. I ordered for my fam. I like the product very much. I ordered for my family and they liked it too! I like the product very much. I ordered for my family and they liked it too! I like the product very much. I ordered for my family and they liked it too! I like the product very much. I ordered for my family and they liked it too!
    say...  2024-03-10
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