These are my favorite acne patches to buy for the less juicy ones. They are great value. I use the AC intense collection patches for my very juicy pimples and they stick a lot harder for leaving on longer. These are great for just daily use though.
I tried this pimple patch before and really like it. It’s thinner than the original patch so it doesn’t show as much. The price for three pouch is an amazing deal.
جربت الاحمر والاسود ومركات اخرى الصراحه اكثر وحده ماتبين الحين طالبه مره ثانيه منها مفضلتي واي في نتايج اخليها ٨ الى ١٢ ساعه واشوف الفرق
خلال ثلاث ايام اقل اثار واحمرار