It's a little sticky, but it melts when applied directly to the skin. It is an effective moisturizer, but there is a component of phenoxyethanol in the product. I do not like this component. It causes dryness to the skin and may burn it, so my friend must do a test
Sensitivity behind the ear before using any product The product is used 3 times every week and before bed and washed in the morning
I gravitated towards this because of the moisturising and healing ingredients in it such as Panthenol, Centella Asiatica, Hyaluronic Acid and Ceramide. I love using this at night as its intended as a mask to reduce moisture loss over night. This is also good for acne skin as it does not have any triggering ingredients. I use it during the day as well HOWEVER this product does not work under makeup!! So beware. ALSO! though the ingredients list looks very gentle and promising it causes stinging on days when my skin is extra sensitive or inflamed...
It has a water gluey, waxy texture that felt a bit suffocating. The concept of a sleeping mask should be "seal" but the experience is not pleasant. The product is quite thick for me and it's not totally absorb in the next morning.
very moisturizing without clogging my bootiful pores (as all skin is beautiful and perfect ^◡^)
love it very much! quite thick and it makes it hard to spread though, but i dont really mind. i dont use it daily as my skin isn't dry so it might break out if i use a heavy moisturizer like this too much. buying it on sale is the best as, well, saving money WHOOOOP
I've used this a couple of times, and have found it it to be great at sealing in all the moisture from my previous skin steps. Looking forward to incorporating this more often into my night routine.