So far I have never hadd problems with this, and it has not broken me out at all. Considering this, it is a very gentle bha exfoliator and I did start feeling a difference when i don't use it for a few weeks wherein my skin is not as smooth. Overall, this is a good gentle exfoliator for those specifically looking for a bha one.
I haven’t been really consistent e we it’s this, but I will say it is strong! I think if you have big pores, only use it in those problem areas and not the whole face. This BHA percentage is high, so start using it like once. Week first for 30 days, then do 2x a week. If you have combination skin like me, I would only use it in your T-zone.
this, i can not even describe this. I always struggled with pores and oily skin but since I started using this toner, my skin became flawless, its like magic. This toner is definitely a dupe of PC, and even better than PC.
it does what it needs to do and i feel like it’s really made a difference in my skin with making it look so smooth and clean and i even feel cleaner when i use this but don’t use it everyday it’s best to use it every other day or once every two days but that could be different for you. use this if you want clearer smoother skin!!
اذا بتستخدم مقشر للوجه زي كذا انتبه تستخدم معه اي سيروم او مقشر ثاني لان بيعدم حاجز البشرة هذا مره حلو للبشرة الجافة والحساسة وفعلا شفت نتيجة بعد ثلاث اسابيع بحكم اني استخدمة كل اسبوع مره وحدة يعني بعد ثلاث استخدام شفت النتيجة وخيال حتى التصبغات راحت احرصو على واقي الشمس بعده حتى لو كنتو في البيت يعني استخدموه في الليل وانامو فيه بعد مرطب طبي والصبح حطو واي شمس حتى استشوار الشعر الي يكون فيه هواء حار الو المطبخ ابتعدو عنه شوي لان تكون البشرة تعرضت لتقشير فاكون المسام متفتحه شوي لذلك انتبهُ لنقطه هذي والكمية كويسه مرهه