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KBeauty Story
  1. 5

    This product

    This product is like magic u will feel change if u continue to use it every day my skin was glow and shine
    Zah...  2024-11-21
  2. 5

    Great buy

    Was worried about the taste at first but it tastes very good. I mix this with a little bit of water every night.
    bab...  2024-11-20
  3. 5

    It's good

    I like the taste and easy to drink. But haven't noticed any change yet. But too expensive
    pey...  2024-11-18
  4. 5


    I took it after i saw my friend looking glowy
    Ree...  2024-11-14
  5. 5


    I really really really love these product so so much!!! Absolutely amazing! Obsessed!
    ing...  2024-11-09
  6. 4

    قيد التجربه

    قيد التجربه ماقدر احكم عليه ان شاء الله يفيد
    dha...  2024-11-09
  7. 5

    Love it

    Taste is good , I don’t like collagen powder for it’s bad taste but this one really good no bad taste I will wait to see the result
    h_e...  2024-10-27
  8. 4


    اشتريت من العرض 1+1 خذيت اثنين بسعر واحد وللامانه حلو باقي م خلصت الشهر بس مبدئياً طعمه حلو (روزبيري) ويذوب بسرعه ف الماء وطريقته ينشرب قبل النوم ✨
    han...  2024-10-21
  9. 5


    I really wasn’t expecting much from this but to my surprise I had really better sleeping days with it! No more waking up in the middle of the night and I noticed that my body odor changed, would buy it again for sure!
    X.5...  2024-10-17
  10. 5


    ماجربته لحين ان شاءالله حلو ....
    Fa6...  2024-10-07
  11. 5

    So excited

    I have read a lot of reviews about it and I am excited about its results. I tried one sachet of it and the taste was unpleasant, but I will look forward to its resul
    Jus...  2024-10-07
  12. 5

    My Favorite Collagen

    On my 5th box already, and it's still available. But just restock with these 2 beforehand. My skin wouldn't have been glow inside out without this.
    xiu...  2024-10-07
  13. 5

    Best collagen

    I bought this collegen for anti-aging and I’ve seen results in my skin and body.
    pri...  2024-10-04
  14. 5


    Fa3...  2024-09-26
  15. 5

    احلى منتجات

    احلى موقع واحلى منتجات بصراحه وانصح كل حد ياخذ منه لان منتجاتهم ماتحسس البشره
    Sal...  2024-09-24
  16. 4

    Sal...  2024-09-08
  17. 4

    love the taste

    have been using this for a month. no difference much, but it tastes better than the regular collagen that I used to buy from local stores
    D.a...  2024-09-01
  18. 5

    Great product

    I have been drinking this mix with my fave smoothies. I drink it to boost my collagen production since I get wrinkles in some of my fingers. I tried it out of curiosity and let me tell you has work wonders. I am not wrinkle free in my hand but it has improved at a lot. I woukd recommend you drink it for 6 months then stop for 6 months and so on.
    c_p...  2024-08-15
  19. 5

    Great product

    I have been drinking this mix with my fave smoothies. I drink it to boost my collagen production since I get wrinkles in some of my fingers. I tried it out of curiosity and let me tell you has work wonders. I am not wrinkle free in my hand but it has improved at a lot. I woukd recommend you drink it for 6 months then stop for 6 months and so on.
    c_p...  2024-08-15
  20. 5

    Great product

    I have been drinking this mix with my fave smoothies. I drink it to boost my collagen production since I get wrinkles in some of my fingers. I tried it out of curiosity and let me tell you has work wonders. I am not wrinkle free in my hand but it has improved at a lot. I woukd recommend you drink it for 6 months then stop for 6 months and so on.
    c_p...  2024-08-15
  21. 5


    Good for bone health. Didn’t see any difference in skin tho
    Stu...  2024-08-06
  22. 4

    Good for bones

    I didn’t see a visible difference in my skin but definitely boosted my bone health and took away the pain i used to have
    Stu...  2024-08-06
  23. 5


    I’ve been using it before sleep as it’s recommended to do so, looking forward to the results after a month!! Doesn’t taste as bad as I thought.
    noo...  2024-08-03
  24. 5

    Highly recommended

    Highly recommended. Mis uñas crecen por día y más fuerte. Me lo tomo antes de dormir y he notado que duermo más plácidamente
    tat...  2024-07-26
  25. 5


    المميزات الرئيسية: - تركيبة حلال مناسبة للمسلمين والنباتيين - يحتوي على 2 جرام من الكولاجين متناهي الصغر في كل كبسولة - الكولاجين مشتق من مصادر حيوانية آمنة وموثوقة - يساعد في تحسين صحة الجلد والشعر والأظافر - يعزز إنتاج الكولاجين الطبيعي في الجسم - سهل الاستخدام بتناول كبسولة واحدة يوميًا - لا يحتوي على إضافات أو مواد حافظة ضارة الاستنتاج: بشكل عام، أعتبر [BB LAB] (Halal) Low Molecular Collagen 2g*30 sticks منتجًا رائعًا لتعزيز صحة البشرة والشعر والأظافر. تركيبة الكولاجين المتناهي الصغر والحلال تجعله خيارًا مثاليًا للمسلمين والنباتيين. مع جرعة يومية واحدة، يمكن أن يساعد في تحسين إنتاج الكولاجين الطبيعي في الجسم. بالنظر إلى جودة المكونات وفوائده الصحية، أعتقد أن هذا المنتج يستحق التجربة إذا كنت تبحث عن مصدر موثوق للكولاجين.
    Zai...  2024-07-18
  26. 5


    I like this collagen my skin gain a healthy glow my hair also became healthy and glowy i will purchace again
    zah...  2024-07-12
  27. 5


    so yummy willl buy again i like it
    dis...  2024-06-30
  28. 5

    Collagen booster

    Its my 3rd time purchasing this item and I love it.
    net...  2024-06-19
  29. 5

    Liv it

    I really love this product and will keep buying it. Although I don’t have current pictures but will definitely be buying again.
    ros...  2024-06-02
  30. 4

    جيد ويحتوي على فيتامين سي وهذا يساعد على امتصاص الكولاجين

    صراحة ما اخذته إلا لانه اخذ شهادة حلال
    hay...  2024-05-23