I always have cracked, dry heels and feel really ick about my feet. This spray was amazing, I used it twice and followed with the steel scraper and my dry bits just came right off. Folllow up with a foot mask and you don't ever need to pay for a pedicure again!
يعتبر خيار جيد للي يبون تقشير بسيط للقدم واكثر شي عجبني فيه انه يعطي توريد خفيف بس مشكلته يجفف الجلد بزياده مهما رطبت احس بجفاف لمدة يومين بعد الاستخدام
I've used this product a few times and I'm not sure if it's efficient at exfoliating the skin vs. the product pilling on itself... I rate it 4/5 because the product is well-made and my feet do feel softer and hydrated after each use.
I first purchases when I found it at T.J. Maxx on a whim and I always told myself if I could ever find it again. I would stock up on it so this is me stocking up. Buy it if you have cracked heels it’s the best stuff ever.