Noticeable difference
less hair loss after a month usage

Good Good
I love love love
Good recomandations from my friends
Can't wait to use this ! Hope this will work for me too

Not sure yet but rosemary is effective

Ok so I don't notice a difference yet but I just started using it. I have heard doctors say that rosemary is like rogain and is very effective against hair loss. I make my own rosemary oil at home and use it too. Overall satisfied but haven't noticed any major changes yet. Will continue to use it:)

Great! I love it!
I wasn’t sure what to spect from this when i first bought it, I had never used a root spray. I started using this product maybe like 3 times a week, i like that its really easy to apply on the scalp. The first thing i noticed after using this for a few weeks its that in the areas around my forehead where i had like baby hairs, my hair started growing, this really makes your hair grow, other thing that i notice but i don’t mind its that it kind of makes my hair look darker, i think its this product, my sister has started telling me that my hair its darker, that its almost black, she’s really puzzled, i think its this product.