My smile lines is fading
I've been using this line for 2 weeks and I get my less textured skin, healthy skin, fading smile lines, and my eyes area looks fresher. Meanwhile I realized that my skin barrier has stronger than before. I had small bumps whitout redness nor itching and pain on the forehead area and it faded when I'm using the product routinely. I always barely use eye cream and this eye cream makes me not feel lazy to use it. The texture is a little bit thick, but it just absorb quickly. Just gently pat the cream with your ring finger. In the long term of use it's gonna erase your fine lines. I love to smell the scent, it just so soft and doesn't annoy at all.

A superhero for sleepy students!
These past few days, I’ve been staying up really late because of university- which actually made it the perfect time to put this eye cream to the test! I’ve always seen eye creams as ineffective, but I was genuinely surprised with this one! I’m so glad that I took before and after photos because I wouldn’t have noticed otherwise. If you refer to my photos, (apologies for the inconsistent lighting) the changes are quite subtle. You’ll see that the skin under my eyes looks more firm.

Very nourishing
The texture is kinda thick that's why only apply this on night. After application my skin feel smooth, nourished and moisturized.

V.Biome Advanced Eye Cream 35ml
This eye cream contains 10% V-Biome Liposome™ and 11 Essential Vitamins.The texture is thick and heavy cream when applied, but not sticky. Very moisturizing and quite helpful in reducing the wrinkles around my eye area. I also use it on the smile line and on my neck to reduce wrinkles.

Dermalogy V.biome Advanced Eye Cream 35ml
Thick texture but feels comfortable in the eye area!! Helps to hydrate, moisturize and firms the skin