Teksturnya enak, busanya sedikit, tetapi aku kurang suka baunya
Rosemary Relief Gel Cleanser
This is a refreshing cleanser, very helpful for acne and red skin. the smell is fresh and very light, the foam is quite large and doesn't make my skin pull.
Facial wash yang cocok untuk kulit sensitif
Kulit kering terus sensitif? Coba aja pakai sabun wajah ini, tekstur nya yang gentle mampu mengangkat kotoran di wajah.
Ini juga gak bikin kering di wajah dan ketarik.
Promising Cleanser
Some of the key ingredients include 0.45% BHA, 5% rosemary leaf extract and panthenol & triple hyaluronic acid. My face feels clean, calm & hydrated after washing. I also love the light clean scent. It’s a non-irritating cleanser and all skin type can use this cleanser. It has salicylic acid so acne-prone out there you gotta check this cleanser out.
My Fav Cleanser
Ini wanginya wnagi herbal bngt, dan busanya jugaa banyakk, gk bkin tertarik jugaaa suka pokoknya sama cleanser satu ini..