One Week Using All Day Pure C
Honestly, I have a hard time finding suitable vitamin C skincare. because it always feels hot when used. but this is different! not hot at all, not sticky either. no pungent odor. It's not visible on my dark spots yet, but it feels brighter on my face

Great product
I was fully expecting this vitamin c not to work for me but it ended up working so well for my sensitive skin. It didn’t cause any irritation and was lightweight and had a great brightening effect on the skin. It didn’t leave behind and sticky or tacky residue either.
Well just no
Sorry but this don’t do anything going back to my Klairs one
I use it everyday. My face look so smooth

Honest review
Sebagai orang yang skincare paginya wajib banget pake vitamin c, vitamin c ini wajib banget kalian punya menurut ku. Bikin cerahnya lumayan cepet, aku baru pakai rutin beberapa minggu udah kerasa cerahnya. teksturnya cair, gak berbau. minusnya dia cepet oksidasi jadi harus di taro di dalam kulkas biar aman hehehe. tapi produk ini sangat amat bagus untuk di coba bagi yang memiliki permasalahan hyperpigmentasi dan bekas jerawat
