good serum
it contains super low molecular hyaluronic acid so it can absorb deep inside skin layer to moisture skin
Isntree Yultra-Low Serum
It;s really good even for oily-combi owner like me. The hydration is good enough and doesn;t leave skin oily
Ita good but still perfer the other instree hyaluronic acid serum this is fine.
Ácido hialurónico de ultra bajo peso molecular
Este serum tiene ácido hialurónico de muy bajo peso molecular lo que hace que penetre todas las capas de la dermis y produce una extra hidratación por más tiempo, previniendo la formación de arrugas
Super hydrating. I used this and just a gel-like cream when my face was breaking out like crazy and cutting down my routine to just tonee, serum and cream helped a lot with calming down the breakouts and recovering my skin. Also used after getting a facial while my skin was peeling and it helped a lot.