I love this product so much this is soso cute I will repurchase again
I love this product so much this is soso cute I will repurchase again

Perfect for winter season
Some of its key ingredients are 9% lactic acid, 0.5% succinic acid & 7% rosemary leaf extract. I found another gem to use when winter comes. This night serum is my skin’s savior from dryness & tightness feels especially every after washing my face. Although I have been using this serum every other night because if its active ingredients on it, I always have a pleasant experience and works out well on my skincare routine. My facial skin is hydrated & nourished. Will always consider this serum at night.

Serum Kecintaanku
Suka sekali sama serum satu ini, karena tekturnya cair, mudah meresap dan bkin melembabkan bngtttt

Rosemary AHA Night Serum
Packagingnya bagus, saya suka teksturnya. Bisa membuat kulit yang kering menjadi lembab.

Gentle exfoliation and brightening
This has to be the most gentle yet effective AHA serum I have ever tried. Never irritated my skin and has been super rewarding. I can see my skin’s tone and texture getting better