Nice blackhead softener
Helped me clear my blackheads!

Very good
Quality is very good Ingredient good Gentle for skin Use loved it to use every day Size very good Package good loved it Composition Season good for all Beneficial Serving very good Care very good Smell good Scent Routine daily very good for removing the dark spot Personal used good Feel good Frequency Benefit good Age good for all Color very nice Coverage loved it Texture very nice Concern goood Essential oil not oily Sensitive no Moisturizer good Nourishment

the best part is the way they look like they're in a different place
Saw this and added to cart right away. I love the Mary&May nose mask. The thing is that it’s a lot more steps. So having this one seems easier todo. Also the cotton padss that come with it is so innovative. The fact that it can split into two means that not only can you use this around your nose, but also around certain areas where you have large pores. I have used this and notice results where it last a while.