All clean?

Yeah. All clean. It gets rid of all my makeup and makes my skin feel so soft and nice without leaving a residue or anything. This is my favorite cleansing balm that i've used and i've used plenty of different ones, i have a back up on hand!

Must try
Oke banget ngebersihin wajahnya. Jd seneng double cleansing pake ini
Best oil cleansing
No breakout and less sebum after usage. Use it as first cleanse daily.
must try!

this is my first balm cleaner, and its work really great, it doesnt sting my eyes, its very gentle for my acne prone skin and doesnt break me, the feeling after using it is awesome!

Best cleansing balm ever!!!
Clean all your make up, easy to rinse, it is fine on its own, doesnt break you out when you do it without double cleansing, really recommended!!!