All parcels from StyleKorean are shipped from Korea.
Shipping cost is calculated from Korea to the destination country.
Every order is normally shipped out within 72 hours from the time of receiving the order.
If a shipping delay occurs, we inform customers of the issue within 72 hours.
We are unable to ship to the following address: P.O. Box, APO, FPO, DPO.
Requirements for the FREE shipping
*Excluding K-pop goods including albums.
Only beauty categories are applicable.
Country | Couriers | Price(Over than) | Shipping Fee |
United States | DHL | 60 USD | Free |
Australia | PARXL | 60 USD | Free |
Canada | DHL | 60 USD | Free |
Malaysia | EFS | 50 USD | Free |
Philippines | EFS | 50 USD | Free |
Vietnam | EFS | 50 USD | Free |
Singapore | PARXL | 50 USD | Free |
Cambodia | DHL | 60 USD | Free |
United Kingdom | DHL | 60 USD | Free |
France | DHL | 60 USD | Free |
Germany | DHL | 60 USD | Free |
Norway | DHL | 60 USD | Free |
Poland | DHL | 60 USD | Free |
Swizerland | DHL | 60 USD | Free |
Ireland | DHL | 60 USD | Free |
Taiwan | PARXL | 50 USD | Free |
DHL | 70 USD | Free | |
Hong Kong | PARXL | 50 USD | Free |
DHL | 70 USD | Free | |
New Zealand | PARXL | 80 USD | Free |
DHL | 100 USD | Free | |
United Arab Emirates | Aramex | 60 USD | Free |
Bahrain | Aramex | 60 USD | Free |
DHL | 79 USD | Free | |
Oman | Aramex | 60 USD | Free |
DHL | 79 USD | Free | |
Saudi Arabia | Aramex | 60 USD | Free |
DHL | 79 USD | Free | |
Kuwait | Aramex | 60 USD | Free |
DHL | 79 USD | Free | |
Qatar | Aramex | 60 USD | Free |
DHL | 79 USD | Free |
When order parcels are shipped, we email tracking numbers to customers.
The email contains both order details and shipment tracking numbers.
Due to regulatory customs issues, which can cause extensive delays, StyleKorean limits order to $500 or less (excluding cost of shipping).
Customers who wish to purchase more than $500, we recommend you place two separate orders to avoid customs issues.
1. Refund
1. The refund process will NOT be proceeded until STYLEKOREAN is informed any official results from the couriers.
2.The customer MUST provide us the proof of evidence such as pictures for any issues occurred
2. Unclaimed Return
If a parcel is returned to Stylekorean because it was unclaimed, the customer is responsible for the shipping costs.
StyleKorean is not responsible for unclaimed parcels.